Malta Citizenship by Investment Program Guide - 2023

Introduction to Malta's Citizenship by Investment Program

Malta's Citizenship by Investment Program is one of the most popular programs in the world. The program allows individuals and families to obtain Maltese citizenship and a passport in return for making an investment in Malta.

The program was established in 2014 and has since welcomed over 1,000 new citizens from all over the world. The program is open to anyone who meets the investment requirements, which include investing in real estate, government bonds, or a combination of both.

Individuals who obtain Maltese citizenship through the program enjoy all the benefits that come with being a member of the European Union, including visa-free travel to over 160 countries, the right to live and work in any EU country, and access to quality healthcare and education.

Malta's Citizenship by Investment Program is one of the most popular programs in the world. The program allows individuals and families to obtain Maltese citizenship and a passport by making an investment in Malta. 

New Malta Citizenship by Investment Program

By investing in the country's economic development, you and your family can obtain citizenship through a Certificate of Naturalization under a new program. The program requires a minimum investment amount and proof of 12 or 36 months of residency in the country.

The new regulations state that this program will only grant citizenship to a maximum of 400 successful applicants per year and will be capped after 1500 applicants have been granted citizenship.

Eligibility Requirements for the Malta Citizenship by Investment Program

The Malta Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment application undergoes a four-step due diligence process to ensure thorough assessment. To qualify for this program, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • All applicants must be at least 18 years old.

  • A contribution of at least EUR 600,000 for a minimum residence period of 36 months or EUR 750,000 for a minimum of 12 months is required.

  • The applicant must purchase a residential property in Malta worth at least EUR 700,000, which must be held for five years. Alternatively, the applicant can lease a residential property with a rental value of at least EUR 16,000 per annum, which must also be held for five years. Note that subletting the property during this five-year period is not allowed. The applicant must sign a lease agreement or make a property purchase for 36 months (or 18 months, by exception) during the residence period.

  • A donation of at least EUR 10,000 to an approved registered non-governmental organization or society in the areas of sport, culture, science, philanthropy, animal welfare, or art must be made.

  • The applicant must legally reside in Malta for at least 36 months (or 12 months, by exception), which includes leasing a residential property with a rental value of at least EUR 16,000 per annum for the same period. The applicant needs a valid residence card to apply for citizenship.

The Benefits of Maltese Citizenship

Malta is a beautiful country located in the Mediterranean Sea. It is a popular tourist destination and has a rich history and culture. Maltese citizenship gives you the right to live and work in Malta, as well as travel freely within the European Union. Maltese citizens also enjoy a number of other benefits, including:

  • A stable political and economic environment

  • High-quality education and healthcare

  • An excellent standard of living

  • A safe and friendly place to live

If you are considering applying for Maltese citizenship, we encourage you to read our comprehensive guide to the Malta Citizenship by Investment Program.

The Prodecures and Time Frame for the Malta Citizenship by Investment Program

  • To apply, you must fill out the required forms, pay the necessary fees, and provide specific documents. The agency will perform thorough checks to ensure the information provided is accurate and complete, and applications with false information or omissions will be rejected.

  • If you pass the Tier 1 due diligence checks by the Community Malta Agency, you can apply for a residence permit. After obtaining residence, you can apply for eligibility for citizenship, which will involve further due diligence checks (Tiers 2, 3, and 4) by the agency. The relevant Maltese minister will then decide if you are eligible to apply for citizenship.

  • If you are eligible, you can apply for Maltese citizenship after residing in Malta for 36 months (or 12 months under special circumstances). If your application is approved by the minister, you will need to fulfill the investment, donation, and property requirements. You will then take an oath of allegiance in Malta and receive a certificate of naturalization.

  • The Community Malta Agency will continue monitoring you for five years.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Malta Citizenship by Investment Program

1. What is the Malta Citizenship by Investment Program?

The Malta Citizenship by Investment Program (MCBIP) offers individuals and families the opportunity to obtain Maltese citizenship and a passport in return for making an investment in the country. The program was introduced in 2014 and is open to both EU and non-EU citizens.

2. What are the benefits of holding Maltese citizenship?

Maltese citizens enjoy visa-free travel to over 160 countries, including the US, Canada, and all EU member states. They also have the right to live and work in any EU country without restriction. As Maltese citizens, they would also be able to pass on their citizenship to future generations.

3. How long does it take to process an application for Maltese citizenship?

Before applying for citizenship, applicants and all adult dependents are required to have Maltese residence status for at least 36 months (or 12 months in exceptional cases).


The Malta Citizenship by Investment Program provides a unique opportunity for those wishing to gain Maltese citizenship and the numerous benefits that come with it. With its excellent infrastructure, first-class public services, and quality medical care, Malta is an ideal place to live or invest in. Whether you are looking for a secure lifestyle or a great business opportunity, this program makes acquiring Maltese citizenship simple and straightforward. We hope this guide has helped you understand the details of the Malta Citizenship by Investment Program so that you can make an informed decision on your path toward obtaining Maltese citizenship.


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